Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Monday, September 29, 2014
Workshop: OCT 18
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Thursday, July 10, 2014
Introducing New ASL/Spanish/English Interpreting Products
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Thursday, May 8, 2014
[trilingual-interpreters-of-il] WEBINAR: Best Practices in the World of VRI: Saturday, June 14, 2014
An Illinois Mano a Mano workshop
Best Practices in the World of VRI
Presented by: Arlene Narváez, CI, CT
Arlene Narváez, B.S., CI, CT works as a trilingual (ASL/ Spanish/English) interpreter in community and video settings with experience in both VRS and VRI. She has presented workshops at the regional and national level. In addition to working as an evaluator and interpreter trainer, she has previously served as Co-Chair for the Southern California RID Trilingual Committee and coordinated interpreters for Los Angeles Valley College. Currently she is a member of the NCIEC Trilingual Task Force.
This training will start with an overview of Video Interpreting, it will discuss the challenges and benefits of Video Remote Interpreting (VRI), and current best practices. The presenter will illustrate the difference between on-site interpreting and VRI. A Video Interpreter must understand the unique aspects of working via video, identify their professional needs, and identify the client's communication needs while approximating the on-site interpreter experience. Discussion will focus on the issues that impact the work and current best practices of Video Interpreting. Activities will focus on identifying issues, managing the video call, and include interactive practice.
Date: Saturday, June 14 2014 Time: 10:30AM CST- 1:30PM CST
**0.3 RID CEUs Pending**
Price :
IL Mano a Mano Student Member: $10
IL Mano a Mano Member: $15
Non-member student: $15
Non-IL Mano a Mano member: $25
Workshop offered via GoToMeeting
Participants limited to 25
Registration Form Name:__________________________________________________________
IL Mano a Mano Member: ☐YES ☐NO Member Number: _______--_____ Email:_________________________________________________________
Total Enclosed: $________
** Registration must be postmarked by Friday, June 6th 2014 ** No refunds after Monday, June 2nd, 2014 ** Please make payment payable to: IL Mano a Mano ** Send registration/payment to IL Mano a Mano, C/O Lucy Lopata, 3712 Forest Road, Brookfield, IL 60513 or by registering/ paying via www.illmano.org **
An email confirmation will be sent out to confirm receipt of registration and instructions on how to access GoToMeeting.
Monday, May 5, 2014
Save the Date: Save the Date! Building Your Comunidad I.Q. Weekend 2014
Please Share.
Save the Date! Building Your Comunidad I.Q. Weekend October 10-12, 2014
Working with, in, and alongside the Latino Deaf Community
BYC Flyer online: http://www.bu.edu/bucie/bycomunidad/
As an Freelance Interpreter, do you find yourself working with the Latino Deaf Community? Have you been looking for more resources (language, culture, teams) to increase your personal practice as well as community resources to serve Latino Deaf consumers in a better way?
This is the weekend for you! This is the entry level Workshops you have been looking for to bridge the gap. No prior Spanish language or culture knowledge required.
Co-Chairs: JO Welch and Alberto Sifuentes
LOCATION: BUCIE, Boston University, 19 Deerfield St, Boston, MA
Presenters: Rafael Treviño and Al Jimenez
Friday to Sunday, October 10-12th, 2014
3-day ASL Interpreter Track:
- Friday 6pm-9pm/ Saturday 9am-11pm/ Sunday 9-1pm
- Includes Saturday Night Latino Dance Party! 7-11pm
Saturday, October 11, 2014
Spanish/English Spoken Language Interpreter Track: 9am –11pm Research Presentation: Mexican Sign Language, details to comeLatino Dance Party: Open to the community 7–11pm, details to come
Target Audience:
- America Sign Language – Spoken English Interpreters who provider services with Spanish/Latino Deaf Community consumers
- Tri-Lingual Interpreters in Spanish, English and ASL
- Spoken Language Interpreters Spanish-English
- Deaf and hearing Interpreters/students at all levels. No prior knowledge required.
Registration opens July 1st, 2014!
ASL Interpreters 3-day Weekend Rate:
$150 Early Bird, $165 after September 15 , 2014.
Spanish/English Spoken Language Interpreters:
$75 Early Bird, $100 after September 15, 2014.
StudentRate! $75
Saturday night Salsa Party TBA
Language: ASL, EnglishCEUs will be offered.Questions? Email jowelch [@] bu.edu
Interested in Sponsoring or Volunteering? http://www.bu.edu/bucie/bycomunidad/