Business Professionalism for the Freelance Interpreter
In the 21st Century
Presented by:
Marjorie Foster
RID Certified Sign Language Interpreter
Workshop/Course Description:
"Community based interpreters fall into two broad categories: independent contractor or employee. Interpreters who work as an independent contractor are self-employed. These individuals are responsible for all aspects of operating their own business such as scheduling, billing, collections, liability insurance, taxes and other business expenses. A service provider either full- or part-time may employ interpreters, who work as employees. Additionally, these individuals may work exclusively or non-exclusively with their employer(s). Typically, all business aspects are handled by the employer."
RID Standard Practice Papers - Business Practices
DATE: February 26, 2011 Time: Check-in 830AM
Workshop 9AM – 1:15PM
Goodwill, Serving The People Of Southern Los Angeles County
800 West Pacific Coast Highway Long Beach CA 90806
Parking Free
Activity Number 0078.0211.116
Professional Studies: (CEU's) = 0.425
SCRID is an Approved RID CMP Sponsor for Continuing Education Activities. This Professional Studies program is
Offered for 0.425 CEUs. Participants need little/none prior knowledge of this topic. No partial CEUs will be awarded. No partial payments accepted. Neither CEUs nor a Certificate of Attendance will be given to participants who arrive more than
30 minutes after the start of the workshop.
Attendees to Pay $35.00 in advanced before 2/11/11*and $45.00 after 2/11/11 and including at the door.
Credit Card and or money orders only. *implies money orders and or credit card must be in house
Or processed by the due date. Your contact is Chuck Scarpaci 562-331-0927.
Payment refunded only in the event of cancellation by the presenter or Links.
Mail to: WORKSHOP 22611, Links Sign Language & Interpreting Services,
800 W. Pacific Coast Hwy,
Long Beach, CA 90806 :
Interpreter's Corner/Workshop/
Workshop presented in English
Do you require an Accommodation? Only a Sign Language Interpreter will be provided upon request.
Must notify before
Marjorie Foster is a RID Certified Sign Language Interpreter with a Bachelor's Degree in Deaf Studies from California State University, Northridge. She has worked in the field for over 10 years in post-secondary education for numerous colleges and universities and video relay and freelance agencies for a variety of settings in both California and Wisconsin. She is an adjunct Instructor at Antelope Valley College's Interpreter Training Program and is currently pursuing a Master's Degree in Linguistics at California State University Northridge.
Course Description:
Whether you consider yourself computer savvy or electronically challenged we are in a technological era. To remain viable, interpreters need to learn alternative and modern avenues for submitting resumes, handling paperwork and recordkeeping. Additionally interpreters need to understand and maintain professional rapport when working with agencies and business entities. This workshop will give an overview on current regulations that affect interpreters, what current software and hardware are available to maintain credentials and paperwork, appropriate business etiquette and resume and portfolio frameworks to help move interpreters into the 21st century.
Educational Objectives:
Participants will…
1. Learn appropriate techniques for writing a resume for the interpreting field.
· Attendees will learn via lecture how to properly organize, amend and phrase their interpreting specific resume.
· Participants will bring a current or sample resume and through small group discussions will apply techniques learned to improve upon current resume.
2. Learn how to build a professional interpreter portfolio.
· Attendees will learn via lecture what documentation and media are needed to include in a professional portfolio.
· Participants will bring any relevant documents and in small group discussions will develop the beginning workings of their portfolio.
3. Learn about current software, hardware and equipment useful for freelance work.
· Participants will learn via lecture the latest tools available for documentation, record keeping and professional organization.
· Attendees will be provided with detailed lists of resources available via handouts and be provided a detailed demonstration.
4. Learn current laws and regulations effecting freelance interpreters in California.
· Participants will learn via lecture current laws affecting freelance interpreters regarding licensure, business licenses and legal documents needed to work as interpreters.
· Attendees will be provided with detailed list of resources for all areas via handouts and be provided a detailed demonstration.
5. Demonstrate better business practices when working with agencies.
· Participants will learn appropriate correspondence and business etiquette.
· Attendees will be able to demonstrate this through small group activity and mock paperwork.
Please bring to workshop:
• A current copy of your resume
• Copies of current relevant documentation:
* Certifications, business licenses etc.
*Snacks and beverages will be provided. You are welcome to bring a lunch with you.
* At-The-Door registration is only available if there is space.
RID/NAD members: CEUs will only be given to participants whose correct membership number appears
This means if your number is missing or incorrect, CEUs will not be given to you.
See 11/2005 RID Views, page 28.

February 26, 2011.
Sign me "The Book" welcomes you to MAKING MUSIC COME ALIVE by Noah Butler
February 26, 2011 from 9 am to 4 pm at Judson Baptist Church, 451 East 223rd Street, Carson, CA 90745. This interactive workshop was designed to teach the principles of effectively interpreting music. This workshop first discusses the original purpose of music and how music plays an intricate role in setting the mood and atmosphere in any environment. Participants will be introduced to techniques for conceptually interpreting songs and changing from content to context. Participants will be exposed to the importance of non-manuals that introduces rhythm and tone to music. Additionally, they will be able to explain song directionality, identify the three different types of songs (the Dialogue, the Storyteller, the Reporter), and present song with Gender and Character Specificity. Cost:$30.00 pre-registration by Feb. 18th. $35.00 at the Door (cash only). Lunch will be provided. For more information or a registration form visit us at You may also contact Bernice at
Love2ASL will be hosting a fabulous Deaf presenter - TRIX BRUCE
March 24, 2011 ~ Thursday 6 PM ? 9 PM
Voice Interpreting with Trix: ?Psst?Did I say that right??(with Juti
Whoops! What did I say?
Review and re-do in an atmosphere of support and good humor by joining
this confidence-building workshop. Boost your professional skills while
have fun rambling through Trix?s stories.
Get ready for power voice interpreting with Trix?s fun workshop!
March 25, 2011 ~ Friday 6 PM ? 9 PM
Handshape Common Misuse:Really? Did I sign that?
The Handshape is probably the most apparent parameter of ASL. Linguists
have identified a large number of discrete handshapes, which the signs
most look-like.
Trix will demonstrate several categories that demonstrate various degrees
of similarity for particular Handshapes, which can lead to
She will also show the proper application of palm orientation, location,
and movement for the Handshapes.
March 27, 2011 ~ Sunday 9 am to 4 PM
ENGLISH EQUIVALENTS: Whoa! Train Zoom Gone. Did You See What
She Signed? What did she mean by that and how can I say it in English?
English Equivalents help the student take signs that do not have just one
translation in English and help the participant become aware of idiomatic
English translations along with some technical vocabulary associated with
particular signs. English Equivalents in ASL will help you confidently
continue the flow of information exchange from ASL to English and from
English to
Trix Bruce is an Approved RID CMP Sponsor for Continuing Education
This Professional Studies program is offered 0.6 CEUS for Classifiers at
the Little/No to Some Content Knowledge Level.
At Love2ASL Professional Development Center
625 South Euclid Ave. Ste 25
Anaheim, CA 92802
Registration information: contact
BIO: Patricia (Trix) Bruce, from Seattle, Washington, is known nationwide
as both a workshop presenter and an American Sign Language performer.
work has been warmly
received everywhere, from local community centers, to state, regional and
national conferences, Deaf Way II, interpreter conventions and more.
Wildly popular as a teacher of ASL storytelling and ASL interpretation,
impresses audiences at all levels of ASL skill, from novices to fluent
Trix has been profoundly Deaf since she was 6 months old. She went
through oral, mainstreaming, Deaf classes, and online educational
Trix has been involved in the performing arts since 1980. After
completing her college program, she became involved with interpreter
training. Trix's
main area of study has been ASL Linguistics with a focus on ASL
Performance. She
has developed a popular website: Whether writing,
creating, improvising or starring in her many productions, Trix's passion
for the
dramatic arts shines through. For Workshop Registration go to
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