Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Have you voted in the Mano a Mano National Board elections?

Dear Mano a Mano member,

It is with great pleasure that I announce the opening of the voting period for Board elections.  We currently have the following positions up for re-election:

Region III Representative
Region V Representative
Member at Large #2
Translation Chair

In the attached document you will see the slate of candidates.  You should have already received instructions about how to login to the members-only area.  Please contact our Secretary, Mathew Call, at if you have not received those instructions or if you have any questions.

The voting period will close on December 15 at 11:59pm.  Please cast your votes before that time!

I would also like to thank those who helped tremendously to prepare us for the voting.

Molly Sheridan and Marina Martinez graciously served as the nominations committee.  They worked tirelessly to create a slate of candidates from which our members could choose, they confirmed with nominees that they would be willing to serve, and they collected bios from all candidates so that each member would be able to make an informed decision.

Mathew Call spent many hours ensuring that each member has access to the new members-only area of the Mano a Mano website.  That process required various manual tasks because it is the first time that we will be taking advantage of this system with our new website. We anticipate that this process will be much more automatic in the future.

I want to thank each of you for your patience with this process.  The process required more time than I anticipated, but hopefully all the work will be worth the wait.


David Quinto-Pozos, PhD
President, Mano a Mano

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